The new way to feel better.

Experience breakthroughs and psychological healing with Ketamine-assisted Therapy, an innovative new mental health treatment.

dealing with stress and depression, mental health service

The process of positive change.

People experiencing anxiety, burnout and depression have become far too common. Persistent mental and emotional health conditions are significantly impactful – creating obstacles to personal growth, joyful relationships, and life satisfaction.

Ketamine Assisted Therapy (KAT) transforms the way we view mental health. Through the creation of new neural connections and perspective shifts, we move beyond symptom masking toward true, lasting healing.

Experience relief and regulate your nervous system.

Psychological Healing

Ketamine enhances synaptic connections in the brain and plays a crucial role in repairing damaged synapses. These processes primarily occur in brain regions linked to learning, memory, and emotional regulation which fosters a psychological healing process.

ketamine for mental health

 Increase Adaptability

Ketamine contributes to increased neuroplasticity by increasing glutamate transmission, which helps neurons communicate along new pathways. As a result, ketamine can help clients experience improved mood and thought patterns through these new connections.

Mental Breakthroughs

In a calm, controlled clinical setting with medical supervision a ketamine experience due to its psychedelic properties may lead to profound mental breakthroughs and attitude shifts, facilitating new insights or states of consciousness.

Rapid Benefit & Relief

With treatments like psychotherapy and medication, it can often take months to notice any improvements. Ketamine Therapy can provide noticeable relief from symptoms and improvement in mood even after one experience.

Mental Health affects everyone – and unaddressed trauma is at the root of our mental health crisis.

70% of Canadian adults have experienced some form of trauma in their lives and more than 10% of Canadians report regular feelings of loneliness. Unaddressed trauma can make one more vulnerable to developing mental health conditions like anxiety and depression.

Leading psychiatrists at Yale University have referred to ketamine as “the biggest breakthrough in depression research in a half century.”

Acute Trauma can come from a sudden distressing event that is beyond an individual’s ability to cope, like a divorce, life circumstance change, or death.

Prolonged exposure to one type of trauma like ongoing physical, emotional or sexual abuse, violence and neglect can lead to Chronic Trauma.

Exposure to multiple different traumatic events like bullying, abuse, neglect and violence can lead to Complex Trauma.

Hope for those who haven’t found relief.

Therapeutic Ketamine Experiences are a safe treatment option that helps individuals gain perspective shifts that lead to long-term thought and behaviour changes for better mental health.

alternative treatments for depression, how to recover from burnout
Reduction in anxiety symptoms shown after a single ketamine experience with effects lasting days, weeks or months
Of patients with treatment-resistant depression found a Ketamine Experience enhanced their mood
24-48 hour
After treatment often yields noticeable improvements
Mental Health in 2023

of Canadians have reported symptoms of moderate to severe depression


of Canadians have moderate anxiety and 5% have severe anxiety


have thought about suicide in the past year.

Ketamine has been consistently shown to deliver potent, rapid-acting relief – including for those who’ve tried everything without success.

Ketamine has been proven to be a safe medication trusted by medical professionals for over 50 years. Today it is revolutionizing mental health by providing the possibility of lasting positive outcomes when combined with supportive psychotherapy.

A Message From Dr Sanan.

Ketamine, synthesized in 1962 by Calvin Stevens, a Wayne State University chemistry professor, falls under the category of a “dissociative anaesthetic.” Since the 1970s, it has been widely and safely used as an anaesthetic and analgesic. The dissociative effect of ketamine is what gives it its psychedelic properties.

Extensive research has demonstrated ketamine’s therapeutic use and efficacy in treating conditions such as treatment-resistant depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, major depressive disorder, alcohol use disorder, eating disorder, and obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Psychedelic therapy, studied for addictions and end-of-life anxiety since the 1950s, faced a setback during the psychedelic medicine prohibition in the 1970s. However, research into this therapy has resumed over the past few decades, accumulating strong initial evidence for its effectiveness in addressing end-of-life depression and anxiety, PTSD, OCD, alcohol use disorder, eating disorder, and treatment-resistant depression.

EntheoTech’s innovative treatment paradigm leverages both the antidepressant and psychedelic aspects of ketamine. The process begins with an intake and preparation session, guiding clients on the psychedelic properties of the Ketamine to optimize the set and setting. Then the Ketamine treatment in clinic, delivered by intramuscular injection and carefully dosed to induce a psychedelic experience. Skilled physicians, nurses and facilitators are there to support every step. Our Odyssey Online patient platform also offers mindfulness, mindful movement, and breathing practices to support the integration of these experiences.

In summary, ketamine is a proven and safe medication, serving as an effective short-term antidepressant and a versatile psychedelic agent. EntheoTech’s approach combines ketamine’s qualities with mindfulness, breathwork, and mindful movement, offering a holistic treatment for mental health concerns like depression, anxiety, PTSD, and OCD. We invite you to explore this promising and comprehensive approach to mental health treatment.

Dr. Anita Sanan, Ketamine-assisted therapy, ketamine therapy
Dr. Anita Sanan, Medical Director at EntheoMed Ketamine Suite
anixiety & depression and ketamine, ketamine infusion therapy

Ketamine Therapy for Anxiety

Persistently negative thought patterns about the self and the world, contribute to the development of anxiety disorders.

Ketamine assisted therapy reduces depression and anxiety symptoms, by stimulating receptors in the brain and boosting neuroplasticity, thereby improving the ability of brain cells to form new connections and modify existing ones. During therapy sessions, individuals can process and work through the root causes of their mental health symptoms in a supportive and therapeutic environment, which can lead to lasting relief and true healing.

Ketamine Therapy for Burnout

Working professionals can experience overload and stress due to the demands of the job. This affects our ability to emotionally regulate and continue to preform at a high level.

Ketamine-assisted Therapy can offer a nervous system reset, allowing participants to quiet the mind and relax the body. This provides a restorative experience to approach life with a fresh perspective. 

anixiety & depression and ketamine, ketamine infusion therapy
anixiety depression and ketamine, ketamine infusion therapy

Ketamine Therapy for AD (Adjustment Disorder)

Adjustment disorders are excessive reactions to stress that involve negative thoughts, strong emotions and changes in behaviour.

Life happens and unexpected events can affect our emotional health. The Ketamine-assisted Therapy experience can help foster resiliency building and provide a nervous system reset allowing the participant a new perspective on their circumstances.

Ketamine Therapy for Depression

The stressed brain affects emotional regulation and stress response function, contributing to the development of depression.

Ketamine is found to have rapid antidepressant effects – rapidly reducing suicidal thoughts 4-24 hours after a single infusion in individuals at high risk. During therapy sessions, individuals can process and work through the root causes of their depression in a supportive and therapeutic environment, which can lead to lasting relief from symptoms.

depression and ketamine, ketamine infusion therapy
private mental health clinic, how to treat depression

Why choose Odyssey for Ketamine Therapy?

Odyssey is our personalized and medically directed approach to Ketamine-assisted Therapy.

Intramuscular Ketamine treatments are more effective than nasal spray or lozenge alternatives.
Treatments delivered in our serene space by medical professionals ensure you have the optimal set & setting for an insightful experience.
Preparation and Integration session with trained psychedelic counsellors are available online at your convenience.
Lifetime access to Odyssey Online, a wellness resource library with therapeutic content and other healing modalities like breathwork.

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