ketamine infusion therapy

Revitalize your wellness and vitality with tailored nutrient therapy – coming soon to EntheoMed Kelowna.

Whether you’re constantly on the go, looking to enhance your overall well-being or need a boost to combat stress, the EnFusion IV Treatment can help revitalize your body & fortify your immune system.
ketamine infusion therapy

EnFusion packs a punch with powerful ingredients and antioxidants for mental health and immune support. Each formula is meticulously chosen to support your brain, bone, blood, cell, tissue and respiratory health.

This is how EnFusion can help.

ketamine infusion therapy

Enhanced Energy and Vitality

NAD+ boosts cellular energy production alleviating chronic fatigue, vitamins that increase energy levels and red blood cell formation.

ketamine infusion therapy

Antioxidant and Immune Support

Glutathione for immunity and antioxidant benefits, vitamins that strengthen the immune system, reduce infection duration, provide a protective shield against stress.

ketamine infusion therapy

Cognitive Function & Clarity

NAD+ to enhance mental clarity and mood, Alpha Lipoic Acid to improve memory, reverse cognitive dysfunction, and protect the brain, vitamins for cognitive health.

ketamine infusion


Glutathione, Alpha Lipoic Acid and Vitamin A for anti-inflammation and pain relief.

Skin Health & Radiance

Vitamins that promote skin radiance, skin health and immune function.

Bone, Heart & Overall Wellness

Vitamins for calcium absorption, bone, heart, respiratory health, cell building.