The psychedelic experience can be a catalyst for growth and transformation – it is not a “silver bullet” or magic cure

Odyssey psychedelic-assisted therapy represents a modality firmly rooted in a holistic therapeutic approach:

  • Providing a secure, safe and calming environment conducive to profound insights and an ability to explore the inner landscape of the mind and emotions,
  • Embracing a holistic perspective that addresses the mind, body and soul of an individual.
  • Teaching other tools and techniques such as breathwork and somatic practices a person can use in their day-to-day life to help encourage new behaviours and thought patterns during the therapeutic window after a treatment
  • We are not the healers, you are. The body always tries to return to homeostasis, however physical and emotional trauma can block this. We aim to guide our patients to connect with their own innate inner healing intelligence and believe this approach can broaden a person’s healing capacity.

We don’t prescribe ketamine for at-home use. Ketamine Therapy is a serious endeavour that requires medical supervision, intention, preparation and education. We need to respect its power and when approached with reverence it can yield beneficial results.

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Odyssey Eligibility Criteria

  • Referral for emotional health challenges including burnout, adjustment disorder, mood disorder or seasonal affective disorder.
  • Referral for mental health challenges including depression, anxiety, PTSD, eating and/or sleeping disorders that haven’t improved with other approaches you’ve tried like medication and therapy.
  • You have the ability, energy and time to commit to our treatment process and approach it with an open mind and heart.
  • You have enough life stability to enable your commitment to the process and be fully present during your counselling sessions and on treatment day.
  • You have a phone or computer with reliable internet to attend virtual counselling sessions and utilize our Odyssey Online app that features therapeutic educational content and access to other healing modalities like breathwork.
  • You have the ability to travel to our clinic location in Kelowna, British Columbia and have a designated driver to pick you up after treatment.
  • Ketamine-assisted Therapy is only suitable for those aged 19+
  • If you are a parent, you have the ability to access childcare for your counselling sessions and on treatment day.
  • All patients must complete a medical intake form and pass a physical and psychiatric screening. Our physicians will review the completed patient intake form prior to the first treatment and will identify and address any medical concerns. During screening, you may be declined from moving forward with ketamine treatment.
  • You don’t have any of the contraindications listed below.

Odyssey Treatment Exclusions

  • Intense emotional instability
  • Active symptoms of psychosis
  • High blood pressure (160/90) that is not controlled
  • Acute cardiovascular disease 
  • Pregnancy
  • Traumatic brain injury that is symptomatic
  • Body Mass Index greater than 35
  • Hepatic, kidney, vascular disorder (reviewed on a case-by-case basis)
  • Delirium and/or Dementia
  • Ketamine allergy
  • A history of Ketamine use disorder
  • Alcohol or substance use disorder within the past six months
  • Seizure disorder or epilepsy
  • A history of increased intracranial pressure or high ICP
  • Brain tumour, aneurysm or arterio-venous malformation
  • Untreated sleep apnea can diminish the benefit of ketamine-assisted therapy (reviewed on a case-by-case basis)
  • Individuals who demonstrate verbal, physical or emotional aggression toward our care team

Because ketamine therapy isn’t the right treatment for everyone, Our care team can suggest other treatment avenues.

Do you think Odyssey may be a fit for your healing journey?

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“A Ketamine treatment is a compost dump into the garden of you.

You still have to get out and work the garden though.

Ketamine-assisted Therapy is just the first step and can set up the conditions for growth and healing.”

Dr. Craig Heacock

What is Ketamine Therapy? 

Ketamine, categorized as a dissociative anaesthetic, is often referred to as “psychedelic medicine” due to its mind-altering properties. Ketamine is now employed in the treatment of mental health challenges such as depression, anxiety, OCD and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Ketamine therapy is administered through an intramuscular injection. It is demonstrated to enhance neuroplasticity (the brain’s capacity for growth) and neurogenesis (the creation of new neural pathways), ketamine exhibits swift antidepressant effects that prove beneficial in addressing challenging and treatment-resistant mental health challenges.

The ketamine experience involves a shift in consciousness that enables individuals to explore themselves from a fresh perspective. With a longstanding safety record, a high level of scientifically proven efficacy, and legal status for medicinal use in Canada, ketamine stands as a promising option in mental health treatment.

  • You will attend pre and post-treatment counselling online with a psychedelically trained counsellor.
  • Undergo your Ketamine treatment in a comfortable, private room, inducing a state of relaxation.
  • Following a two-hour treatment session, a friend or family member will drive you home, as you may still experience drowsiness. Any side effects are short-lived, with most individuals waking up the next morning feeling rejuvenated and experiencing a noticeable improvement in mood.
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Our holistic approach to treatment extends beyond the ketamine experience to encompass preparation and integration counselling, as well as the teaching of other tools like breathwork and somatic techniques to support nervous system regulation.

Ketamine-assisted Therapy blends psychedelically aware counselling with the use of Ketamine. This kind of counselling looks at how we harness insights from non-ordinary states of consciousness. By utilizing Ketamine as a psychedelic catalyst, we aim to facilitate therapeutic breakthroughs and foster individual growth for the treatment of diverse mental health challenges.